Two Drinks Ago…

Last month I cast & produced a shoot with Bob Scott for NYC’s Anti Binge Drinking PSA.  It has been running in the Metro newspapers and will also be placed in numerous subway trains through out the boroughs.

I also made a little video of the set, you’ll see out real-life EMT instructing our actors and make up artist (and Bob in action)

Check out Bob’s work-

Mike’s Hard Punch Party!

Before the holidays I cast & produced a shoot for Mike’s Hard Punch with Bob Scott.  Our challenge was to create a hip “loft” party with lots of 25+ year olds on a tight budget.

We had folks offering their help with casting & locations, but they fell thru and my response to all that was  “leave it to the professional”- I cracked my knuckles and got to work!

The original idea that was thrown at me was to find a “real” apartment lived in by 20-somethings.  Not such a good idea if you don’t want a space filled with clutter.  The plan was to have at least 40 people in the shot, dancing, hanging in the kitchen and having Bob & crew room to move around.  Since the idea was to shoot at night, I didn’t want to be in a space where the cops would show up at midnight and shut us down.  So, after seeing “lived in spaces” and having them rejected by Bob- I emailed him the link to Gary’s Loft in Brooklyn- 3rd floor.  I had done a shoot there a few years back, HUGE loft with moveable furniture, big open kitchen with an island and two bathrooms.  DONE!  We found our space and since most of our 20 something’s live in and around Williamsburg it was a great location.

Casting wise Bob invited some people he knew and I put out a notice, emailed a couple of agents I know who would want their young talent to get some experience and of course I reached out to my young assistants and their friends.

At the time of the shoot we ended up with 50 partygoers, the additional folks came from the ad agency Arnold NY.  A great diverse bunch that were there to have fun and drink some Mikes Hard Punch!

We had tons of snacks, 30 pizzas and 40 cases of Mike’s Hard Punch in 2 flavors- it was a party!  The great thing about putting a bunch of strangers together in a fun atmosphere is everyone becomes friends and has a good time, you can see it in the pictures.  It was a fun shoot that I really enjoyed being a part of.

My Thursday at Sandbox Studios

On Thursday I spent the day at Sandbox shooting a portrait project with Bob Scott. We had 5 people over 70 years old portraying different characters and it was hysterical. Everyone had a good time, I love shoots like that where the team vibe is “on” the actors are willing to anything and  everyone laughs all day.  Here are some shots I hijacked from Bob’s blog:

I have to say some things about Sandbox Studios.  First, I hate traveling there because I take the 1 train which is very close to it and I am forced to cross the ramps that lead to the Holland Tunnel and it is like Frogger!  I risk my life every time I go there.  Once I get there, it’s a whole different story.  They have many large studios and they are always full.  The place is a once stop shop for many clients for catalog & ecommerce. Thursday Talbots, Coach, JCrew were some of the companies shooting there- the studio handles all the pre & post production it’s quite an operation!

Back in the 90’s I would work at a similar place where they would shoot, design & print catalogs and the place was a dump and everyone was miserable.  At SB the staff is really friendly, helpful and generous.  One of my pet peeves about studios is being nickeled and dimed, like if you take a water or soda out of the studio fridge you get billed $2.00, coffee you pay for or there isn’t any coffee, beverages or water cooler at all.  SB offers water, soda, tea and good coffee.  At 3PM there were snacks!  I am sure whomever is reading this thinks “Who cares you have catering!” that’s not the point.  Offering free fresh coffee all day is just good customer service and that is my point.  Check out the place if you can get a booking there since they seem to always have a full house (which to me is a sign the biz might be picking up!).

Now, so they don’t feel bad I have to give a shout to my home away from home Go Studios another wonderful place to work.